Finałowa część trylogii opowiadającej o rozczarowanym politycznymi zmianami portugalskim społeczeństwie, pogrążającym się w recesji.
| The final part of the trilogy tells the story of a Portuguese society disappointed with the political changes that have occurred and plunging into recession. "I wanted to make a film in which I could present an unreal story that could seduce the viewer. But I wanted just as much to include a story about just how severe the crisis is that my homeland is currently in," confessed Gomes, recognized as one of the most interesting voices in the new wave of Portuguese cinema. The third part of his cycle focuses on Scheherazade as she escapes from the sultan's palace. He juxtaposes her amorous adventures alongside, among other things, the story of unemployed men preparing their pet birds for a singing contest and images of anti-government demonstrations in Lisbon in November 2013 presented from the perspective of a Chinese woman. As in the other parts of the trilogy, the director imbues this symbolic story with subtle irony, humor, and melancholy. Hypnotizing the viewer with shots of the burning sun, he shifts focus, like in fado music, to what lies hidden in loss and a lack of fulfillment.
Prezentowany w ramach Sny o kinie - przegląd filmów Miguela Gomesa.
Wcześniej w ramach: Nowe Horyzonty Tournée 2016.